Not all actions result in updates to application state. For example:
- Writing backup data to
- Sending analytics events
- Persisting query information in the URL.
Effect handlers fire immediately after Domain handlers and are only called once per action state. This means that a repo’s state is up to date with the latest state transitions by the time they execute.
Creating Effects
There are two ways to create an effect: as a class, and as a plain object. The usage is roughly the same for both versions, the class form can additionally take advantage of having a constructor
Effects as classes
class Effect {
setup (repo, options) {
// Run startup behavior
teardown (repo) {
// Clean up any setup behavior
handleAction (repo, payload) {
// Respond once to an action
register () {
return {
[action] : this.handleAction
Effects as plain objects
const Effect = {
setup (repo, options) {
// Run starting behavior
teardown (repo) {
// Clean up
handleAction (repo, payload) {
// Respond once to an action
register () {
return {
[action] : this.handleAction
Microcosm calls Object.create
on the simple object form, preventing any assignments within the Effect from polluting other instances. In this way, they are somewhat similar to the class form.
A quick example - query strings
URL persistence is important for shareability and wayfinding. However, a full routing solution isn’t always practical. On some projects we simply want to push search parameters or other meta data into a query string.
This is a perfect use case for an effect:
// /src/effects/location.js
import url from 'url'
import {patchQuery} from '../actions/query'
class Location {
updateQuery (repo) {
const { origin, hash } = window.location
const location = url.format({
host : origin,
query : repo.state.query,
hash : hash
window.history.pushState(null, null, location)
register () {
return {
[patchQuery] : this.updateQuery
export default Location
setup(repo, options)
Setup runs right after an effect is added to a Microcosm. It receives that repo and any options passed as the second argument.
Runs whenever Microcosm::teardown
is invoked. Useful for cleaning up work done in setup()
Returns an object mapping actions to methods on the effect. This is the communication point between a effect and the rest of the system.
// /src/effects/planets.js
import { addPlanet } from '../actions/planets'
class Planets {
register () {
return {
[addPlanet]: this.alert
alert (repo, planet) {
alert('A planet was added! ' + planet.name)
repo.push(addPlanet, { name: 'earth' }) // this will add Earth
Multiple handlers for the same action
You can assign multiple handlers to an action by passing an array:
// /src/effects/planets.js
import { addPlanet } from '../actions/planets'
class Planets {
register () {
return {
[addPlanet.error]: [this.alert, this.trackError]
alert (repo, error) {
alert('There was an issue!)
trackError (repo, error) {
repo.push(addPlanet, { name: 'earth' })
Specifies default options a Effect is instantiated with. This provides a concise way to configure sensible defaults for setup options:
class AutoSave {
static defaults = {
saveInterval: 5000
setup (repo, { saveInterval }) {
console.log(saveInterval) // 5000
let repo = new Microcosm()
repo.addEffect(AutoSave) // default saveInterval is 5000
When instantiated, default options are determined in the following order:
- Microcosm defaults
- Microcosm instantiation options
- Effect defaults
- Instantiation options
- Options passed to