var _ = Array.prototype;
A layer on top of Array.prototype
to allow for the generalization of these methods.
Collection is mixed directly into ./util.js
, giving the chaining API for washi
access to functional helpers.
Save a shorthand reference to the Array prototype
var _ = Array.prototype;
The whitelist contains all of the methods we want to pluck from Array
var whitelist = [
'join', 'reverse', 'sort', 'push', 'pop', 'shift',
'unshift', 'splice', 'concat', 'slice', 'indexOf',
'lastIndexOf', 'forEach', 'map', 'reduce', 'reduceRight',
'filter', 'some', 'every'
Reduce the whitelist into an object of wrapped functions that apply upon a given list.
var collection = whitelist.reduce(function(memo, method) {
memo[method] = function(list) {
Extract out the list argument
var withoutList =, 1);
Then apply the Array method within the list context, injecting all of the other arguments provided to this function
return _[method].apply(list, withoutList);
return memo;
}, {});
Next we add a few more helpers. Array.isArray and a method to convert list-like values into arrays (useful for working with arguments)
collection.isArray = Array.isArray;
collection.toArray = function(list) {
return, 0);
module.exports = collection;